Press Resources

The following information is provided as cut-and-paste resources for media professionals, conference organizers, and other interested parties. For more information or questions, please contact us here. 


Finally Promoted

Finally Promoted is the go-to career destination showing great employees how to get recognized, rewarded, and promoted at work. Finally Promoted offers relatable insights, real-world guidance, practical tools, and inspiring stories to help business professionals who quietly kick butt at work get the rewards and recognition they deserve.

Finally Promoted was founded in 2022 by Alison Challman, a c-suite executive who advanced her career from administrative assistant to chief marketing officer working at large and mid-size companies, like Intel and HP.


About Alison – Short Bio

Alison Challman is a c-suite executive who is on a mission to show great employees how to get promoted. She is the founder of go-to career destination, Finally Promoted, and creator of the Promotion Principles, an essential framework for career advancement. Alison speaks and writes about what matters most to move up at work, inspiring professionals to think differently about their path to a promotion.


New Go-to Career Destination, Finally Promoted, Shows Great Employees How to Get Promoted 

July 28, 2022, Chandler, Ariz., — Finally Promoted LLC, a newly launched startup business that shows great employees how to get promoted at work, today introduced its flagship career destination:

The new go-to career destination is designed to help hard-working business professionals who often go unrecognized and unrewarded by management learn how to advance and move up at work.

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